
The goal of this document is to explain how to configure Debian/GNU Linux router to obtain IPv6 6RD configuration details from the ISP DHCP server and to share IPv6 addresses from the obtained prefix to LAN hosts via Router Advertisement Daemon (radvd).

In short, this configuration enables IPv6 connectivity to the router itself and all connecting hosts.

This document assumes that eth0 is the external, internet facing network interface and eth1 is the internal, LAN facing one. You may need to adjust these depending on your configuration.


  1. Install the necessary packages
  2. Edit DHCP to request 6RD options

    Edit /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf and add the following:
    Also adjust the 'request' line to include the 'option-6rd' just added:
  3. Add 6RD configuration script

    Create /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/option-6rd script with the following (while adjusting LANIF to your LAN interface!) content:
  4. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and make sure IPv6 forwarding is enabled:
  5. Take the external network interface down and up again to enable the new configuration

    For example: